

The whole process is almost automatic if you have PanoCamAdder2 or higher!
Here is a tutorial for PCA2.

PanoCamAdder2 Dollhouse Tutorial


How to bake multiple panorama-textures at once:

  1. Add multiple materials
  2. Harmonize materials (optional)
  3. UV Unwrapping
  4. Texture Baking
  5. Setup the baked material and export as OBJ

01: Add multiple materials

  • Add multiple Materials.
  • Apply them to different selections of faces.

02: Harmonize materials (optional)

  • Open the Shader-Editor.
  • Add a RGB-Node between the Panorama (ImageTexture) -Node and the Emission-Node.

03: UV Unwrapping

  • Select all verticies.
  • Press UV/Smart-UV-Project.
  • Scale the UV layout to fit it to a square image.

04: Texture Baking

  • Create a new image.
  • Add a new Image-Node to a material and choose the just created image.
  • Copy and paste the Image-Node to each material.
  • Keep sure the Image-Nodes are selected! (Check it in the Item-tab)
  • Switch to Cycles-renderer, choose „Emit“ in the bake-settings and press bake.
  • Dont forget to save the baked texture seperatly!

05: Setup the baked material and export as OBJ


  • Select the model
  • Press ‚UV texture‘ (PCA+/Helpers/Materials) and select the texture image.
  • Export as OBJ (File/Export/WafefrontOBJ)
  • Done! 🙂


  • Delete all materials and create a new one.
  • Replace the Principled- with an Emission-Shader.
  • Add a new Image-Texture-Node and load the baked texture in.
  • Connect the Image-Node with the Emission-Shader.
  • Tick „Backface-Culling“ in the material-settings.
  • Select the model and export it as OBJ.

Done! 🙂

You can download the blend-file for free, if you like. All panoramas, pano_materials and the baked_material are included (30mb).

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