In this tutorial, we will start from a fully modeled model. Once a model is modelled and all panoCAMS are placed, the dollhouse texture can be created.
The whole process of creating the dollhouse is done in a few minutes. I have uploaded a screencast to YouTube.
If you like you can download a blend file here, in which eight panoCAMS are already placed.

Distribute Pano Materials
- select all HANDLEs and the model (keep sure the model is the active object!)
- click distribute pano-materials
- eventually replace no_MAT and x_MAT materials
Select all HANDLEs and lastly the model (must be the active object) and then click distribute pano materials.
The materials will then be distributed to the model in such a way that always the shortest distance from the HANDLE to the face(center) is chosen. This is usually the best method.
In some cases, it may make more sense to choose the better angle rather than the shorter distance. This can be done with the checkbox Angle-based. Additionally a maximum distance can be specified. Within this distance panoramas with a better angle will be searched.
If a face(center) is not visible from any pano_CAM, it will get a no_Mat material. Select these faces in edit mode to assign a different material.
If no corresponding material can be found for a HANDLE, an X_pano_MAT is created and assigned. This is just in case you have renamed the material for some reason. Simply replace the material in the material slot if you have this case.
Bake UV-Texture
- create UV-layout
- click the bake button
- open the image-editor and safe the image
The model must have an actual uv layout! PCA2 can create a UV layout, but it is best to do it manually to keep an eye on stretch, texture space and margin.
Enter a name and a size for the bake image and click bake uv texture. The render/bake settings are adjusted to the Pano_Material(emission) so that it can be baked very quickly. The texture can then be found in the image editor window after a few seconds.
Open an image editor window, select your baked image from the image menu and save it to your hard disk.
Load UV-Texture / Export OBJ
- select the model, click Helpers/Materials/UV-Texture and select the baked image
- export as obj
Select the model and open the Helpers/Materials menu. Click UV Texture and select the baked image in the file browser. All Pano materials are removed from the model and a UV material with the baked image is created.
Now you can export the model as OBJ file.
The dollhouse is easiest to integrate into krpano later, when all values for location and rotation are 0.0 This happens automatically when distributing the pano materials. Otherwise, simply select the model and then click Object/Apply/All Transformations before exporting the model.
<scene name="Dollhouse" title="Dollhouse" > <view maxpixelzoom="2.0" fovtype="MFOV" fovmin="40" fovmax="140" /> <image> <sphere url="models/MyDollhouseTexture.jpg" /> <depthmap url="models/dollhouse.obj" enabled="true" rendermode="3dmodel" textured="true" scale="100" /> </image> </scene>