XAdder is a Windows application.

XAdder is a desktop application for inserting the values output by PanoCamAdder2.1+ into the tour.XML.

No more long copy and paste sessions necessary!

Just load a tour.xml and a corresponding pca.JSON file and activate a few checkboxes for the desired values..

Xadder UI




To use XAdder, a krpano-XML with scenes is required. For example, one that is output with krpano multires.config.

<krpano title="Virtual Tour">
    <scene name="pano_01">


The JSON file must contain entries with the corresponding scene names, such as the PCA-depth.JSON that is output by PanoCamAdder.

        "name": "pano_01",
        "scene": "scene_pano_01",
        "location": [0,0,0]

Start/Load files

When XAdder is started, most of the buttons and checkboxes are initially inactive.
Use load-tour.xml and load-pca.JSON to load a krpano-xml and a corresponding pca.JSON file.

As soon as both files are loaded, information about the scenes found and the JSON values found appears.

Xadder info output

Depending on which JSON values were found, the checkboxes in the editor become active. A new window with the XML-preview opens in the background.

Edit XML

Activate the checkboxes you want to insert or change.

Each time the Edit/Preview button is clicked, the selected elements are inserted into the unedited XML.

You can select whether existing entries in the unedited XML should be ignored or overwritten.

The result is immediately visible in the preview window. The button for saving the edited XML is also located there.

XAdder editor

Custom Attributes

Enter a name and click on Add attribute.

XAdder add attributes

The value can be JSON data for the corresponding scene – and/or text.

Xadder custom attributes

If only text is to be used, select the empty field in the drop-down menu between the input fields.
If only JSON is to be used, simply leave the input fields empty.

Floor Hotspots

To generate floor hotspots, only location data must be in the JSON in addition to the scene name.

For camdistance, the distance from the hotspot to the camera must be specified in centimeters. For example, enter 150 if the camera height is 160cm to create the hotspot 10cm above the ground.

Any action can be specified for onclick. This action then uses the scene name as an argument.

The hotspot is not visible without further information. Enter a style name with which the appearance of the hotspot should be designed.

Xadder create floor hotspots
<hotspot name="hs_pano_01" style="myStyle" 
         tx="307.11" ty="-6.99" tz="14.36" onclick="myAction(pano_01)" 

If Add BasicStyle is activated, a style for a simple, white circle is created.

XAdder add basicstyle
<style name="myStyle" type="text" keep="true" distorted="true" depth="0"
       depthbuffer="true" rotationorder="xyz" enabled="true" capture="false" 
       rx="-90.0" ry="0.0" rz="0.0" width="32" height="32" scale="0.5" 
       bgcolor="0xffffff" bgalpha="1.0" bgroundedge="16" 


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Introductory price: 15€